Friday, May 6, 2011


sometimes reaching the weekend is akin to finally crossing the finish line after running a hard fought 26.2 miles (not that i'm familiar with the race...yet).

  today we saw a six month old kitten returned for his excessive running, acting like a kitten, jumping on counters, acting like a kitten, play biting, acting like a kitten, high energy level, and guessed it...ACTING LIKE A KITTEN. Also, Inoverherhead Isabelle is embarking on a multihour move and didn't feel Spunky Kitten would travel well in her car- I offered the suggestion that some vets will prescribe medication to help ease any anxieties or discomforts associated with travel (and for the animal too!). However, like anyone else who calls or comes through the door- her mind was made up. This tender creature who she had 4 months ago pledged to a lifetime of care and devotion had to go.

 (it's unreal, the reasons people will surrender a family pet and furry companion. I'd say the actual legitimate "houston, we've got a problem" reasons are few and far between. 'Too nice', 'too much energy', 'not playful enough', the list goes on and on...there's truly no pleasing most folks.)

  Yesterday was a day that originally held much promise...the almighty and hallowed shutdown day. Shutdown day is a beautiful concept in theory...a regular working day with the exception that we are not open to the public. Imagine all the tasks and cleaning that can be accomplished when the door is locked, and when the phones are allowed to go to voicemail. Just one much needed day to scrub the nooks and polish tackle all those mundane little things that get pushed aside for "some other day". We also have a staff meeting to share what we are working on in different areas of the building...and things we can improve or have questions about. Yes, in theory, shutdown day is a beautiful thing. Buuuuut, it rarely winds up that way. We still have to periodically check our voicemails (or else return the following day to 90million and one new messages)- that takes forever to weed through (a word to those who may leave a message somewhere...if you get a recording and are at the point where you need to speak, by all means, please say something. Sitting on the line for 30 seconds trying to decide whether you want to hang up or not.....that's annoying. Because I have to waste that entire time listening to your silence- because god forbid you at the last second decide to blurt out "himynameisjohndoeandiadoptedcarolcolliethreeweeksagoandshe'sattackingmywifeandchildandalsopoopingstraightbloodsoineedsomeonetocallmebackasap!")
Also, with shutdown day, despite signs that go up on the doors a week in advance...despite signs at the end of the driveway the day off informing of our (non)buisness hours for the day, and despite basically beating everyone over the head with the news, we still get folks who insist on yanking on our doors in hopes of walking in. For the truly persistant, this means having to go out and address the gawkers and reassure them that we will reopen the next day, again taking time out from projects....And finally, we often will make exceptions to conduct business for adopters and families reclaiming a lost pet- one of which we made concessions for to allow in yesterday. Sadly Belligerant Bob created so much of a scene in attempting to take back his pet that a call to 911 for assistance was placed (note, it's a good thing we are in close proximity to the local police complex). So much for a quiet peaceful shutdown day....

  Add to that the regular assortment of crazies who frequent our shelter and phone lines during the week, and it made for a very exhausting 5 days.

  on a personal note, today was both a low and high day...starting off when i drove to work, saw a squirrel run in the road and swerved to allow him/her clearance to finish crossing- only to hear and feel a sickening crunch, and see a very stationary spot in my rear view mirror. :( I'm sorry Squirrel.

  on the bright side...a beloved foster kitty of mine finally found her "fur"ever home! Tonight should see her snuggling with her new kitty daddy and hopefully making friends with new furry siblings to call her own. Congratulations Cornealia Marie! :)

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