Friday, May 13, 2011

look what came to us today!

Often we get calls (and occasionally in person dropoffs) of wild animals in need- typically found out of their elements, abandoned by the rest of their kind, or badly injured. Unfortunately, we are not allowed to admit or care for these creatures, as that does require special licensing and permits. Thankfully we have a great network to tap into for resources, which we will share to the good samatarian looking to us for assistance.

  This afternoon, a gentleman came to us carrying a generic dishcloth, with his hands cradled around the contents. Peeling back the cloth revealed this tiny soul...

He discovered it in his yard the other day, and did what he could to keep it stable while holding hope that mom and dad would come back and reclaim their wayward offspring. With time running short, he opted to drop it off to us on his way to work.

  With concerned reluctance (not that we had much of a choice, as good samatarian sammy did a drop and squeal out of the parking lot departure), we kept an eye on our tender charge while lining up a plan of action. Thanks to the wonderful folks at a local wildlife rehab center (and an amazing staffer who went out of her way to transport the tiny fledgling), tonight he/she is in safe and knowledgable hands...and soon to develop bonds with 20 or so new "brothers" and "sisters".

  And to solve a lingering mystery, this hatchling is a baby starling. Welcome to the world little one! Here's hoping one day we see you spread your wings and add a beautiful song to our days! :)

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