Monday, April 25, 2011

discouraging day

meh. This was a day that matched the mostly gloomy overcast look outside. Intake numbers are moving up- a definite reflection of the season of rebirth (and rebirth and rebirth, etc). Also disheartening...with the surrenders that came in today- not a single owner even attempted to fake a tear or reveal the gravitude of the situation. For pets that have been members of the family for "x" number of years, you'd think that in the final moments together, it would sink in...that fido or fluffy may be moments away from being euthanized...or at the very least, knowing that you are moments away from never seeing your beloved bundle of fur again. Instead, the attitude all across the board was akin to dropping off a load of dirty laundry at the laundromat... just another chore in the day.

  and, as is becoming very commonplace this month...another animal made its way to us having originated from us (sadly for this month, we are averaging close to one/day...more if you figure we are not open 7 days a week). I'm thinking this person just did not realize what giving a home to a puppy would entail. However that sheer ignorance doesn't diminish in any way the levels of tool-ness that was possessed by this former owner. I tried to be patient and keep a very stoic poker face (of which i'm usually pretty good at), but this charmer...I wasn't having any of his "dog gone wrong" tales. Just sign the papers and move along bucko. And please don't ask about money back, or replacing bad dog with a new one. I should keep a bin of stuffed animals by my desk, which i can give to people as a parting gift. Does puppy play bite too much? Tired of Fluffy shedding? Does your dog have a tendency to run away? Tired of scooping Princess' litterbox? Introducing the best pet you'll ever own- a stuffed animal! Low maintance! Guaranteed not to annoy your neighbors!

  then fittingly, there was the sudden spike in gas, making the drive home all the more enjoyable. (not) Have we figured out what caused that one? Did something blow up? Spill? Are we at war (moreso than usual)? Good thing I was recently bumped to full time- that extra day will pay for *half* a tank of gas! woot! I did mapquest the route from home to work which appears to be about 7.5 miles...15 roundtrip. Maybe I could run to/from work, and burn off some stress at the end of the day. Bonus! :p

  Thankfully the day is done, and now i can attempt to regroup and go again fresh tomorrow. Here's hoping for a quieter day....



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